Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Soul

So yesterday.... we weren't able to finalize things yet with an orphanage for Danny but for the time being, Sam and I have put him in school for this year. We paid for his schooling/uniform/etc. this year and he starts on Friday!!!!!!! Yesterday made my trip and seeing how happy Danny is, makes me realize that spending $200 a year for him is completely worth it. I know this is short and I have a lot more to explain but I just wanted to share with everyone because this was my favorite day here. Also, when we brought Danny home and told his aunt that he'll be going to school everyday and we brought a giant bag (30 kilos) of rice for them, she kissed us. And I teared up a little. This may sound weird but I was nervous earlier on the trip because despite all the sad things we've seen here and experienced, it doesn't make me cry it just makes me want to do something. For some reason this made me think that I possibly had no soul. (That's mostly a joke) but anyway... I've decided I do have a soul! Ha ha.

Hope all is well with everyone. THis might be one of my last blogs here... hope you've enjoyed. Thanks for all the support!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed your call. Awesome to hear about Danny. Talk to you next week when you get back.
